Friday, October 23, 2009

Has it really been over 7 months?

By $Zero


That's a long time between blogs.

I've been very busy working on a few other projects.

Got stuck in that Limbaugh DittoWatch thinger for quite awhile, what a waste of time he was, and is. Yikes.

Anyway, onward to better things.


So, I've got a bunch of pre-fab link-creating stuff that I created last year for this blog-writing template (for digg, etc.) but it's been so long that I've completely forgotten what to do with them or how they work. Therefore, once I post this, some of the links may not be functional. So, I'm just gonna go ahead and publish it and see what happens. I'll edit from there. That's how I roll.

Will be back for more bloggings later this weekend, or early next week.

Aren't you thrilled?

I know _I_ am.


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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Startling Findings

By $Zero

After months of painstakingly careful research, we have concluded beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are no must-read bloggers.

Just kidding...



Anyway, tune in again when we return to this particular tangent.

Right now we're quite busy making fun of Rush Limbaugh, waiting for him to finally and completely snap:

We, the royal we.

We the people.


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Friday, February 27, 2009

PSA -- Tell Republicans that Americans Won't Take NO for an Answer

By $Zero

digg video

No. No. No.

It's always no when the money is for progress.

While President Obama acted,
Republicans in Congress said NO.
Tell Republicans that Americans
won't take NO for an answer.


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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Monty Python Sells Out -- Offers Free Content on YouTube!

By $Zero

Spam Spam Spam Spam
Spam Spam Spam Spam
Spam Spam Spam Spam

"For 3 years you YouTubers have been ripping us off, taking tens of thousands of our videos and putting them on YouTube. Now the tables are turned. It's time for us to take matters into our own hands."


British humor, anyone?

Here's the Semi-Totally-Official Monty Python YouTube Rip-Off Channel.


And you don't even have to donate to PBS out of guilt... unless you want to, of course.

Ahhh... the internets.


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Monday, February 16, 2009

Rules and Incentives -- The War on Wisdom

By $Zero

"The real crisis?
We stopped being wise."

-- Barry Schwartz

"We must ask, not just is it
profitable, but is it right."

-- Barack Obama


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Sunday, February 15, 2009

By $Zero

Source: (digg it first, peeps!)

What's really great (for those who haven't come across it yet) is that they have a widget thinger on their site where you can recaption the photograph.


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Obamify Pics of Your Ex!

By $Zero

Obamify Pics of Your Ex
"Whether you're trying to exorcise the
memories of your ex or just happy to
have a president you love, ScanCafe
has a Valentine's treat for you.

Basically, you send in photos of you
and your ex (boyfriend, generally),
and they insert Obama in his place.

No, really."

It's free, too.

Anyway, you can bet your late mortgage payment that there'll never be anyone replacing their boyfriend's head with Rush Limbaugh's, no matter how much Rush hopes otherwise.

Source: (digg it first, peeps!)

At first glance, it's a pretty cool middle-of-the-road blog with several contributors.

More review to come as the days tweak on.


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Friday, February 13, 2009

By $Zero

It's a pretty neat way to combine all of your internet stuff into one handy feed to share with all of your e-friends (and easily comment on same).

Brought to you by a few dudes who made some really cool stuff at Google.

I just started fooling around with it, and so far so good.

I think it's still in development to some extent, since there's no advertising banners yet.

Some of the features take a little bit of learning -- they're not as intuitively presented as they could be (like how to permalink to a particular content, which you'd think would be obviously simple), but once you get the hang of it, you quickly see the benefits of FriendFeed.

For instance, one option allows you to connect in "real-time" so that you get your feed items fed to you like IM pings.


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Bill Maher New Season New Rules

As he announces the premiere of his newest season on HBO (Friday, February 20th), we can always count on Bill Maher to find amusement in the most screwed up world in the history of mankind.

"I can't believe it's been 3 or 4 massive government bail-outs since last I saw you..."


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Monday, February 9, 2009


By $Zero


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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Hopes Obama Fails?

By $Zero

Like Mr. Limbaugh, make your hopes known with a nice website banner! Various size and color options coming soon.

Only $14.99 each -- Democracy Discount: Buy 7, Get 3 Free!

Making Fun of Blowhards...
American Capitalism at its Finest!

To help the campaign, please add your own hopes
regarding Rush and Obama to your blogs, facebook, and
myspace pages by copy-and-pasting the code below:

NOTE: If you're reading this in a news feeder, the html codes may not show up, so you'll either have to click on over to MRB to get them or visit the page itself.

And yes, we do seriously hope that Rush fails in many ways.

For instance:
  • We hope that he fails to fulfill his hopes that Obama (and America) fails.

  • And that he fails to convince his listeners to unjustifiably hold people in contempt.

  • We hope that he fails to encourage unbridled, utterly excessive, way-over-the-top greed and irresponsibility.

  • We hope that he fails to tell any more highly deceptive untruths.

  • We hope that he fails to so easily brainwash the Dittoheads anymore.

  • We hope that Rush fails to meet his objective to keep America pointlessly and angrily divided.

But mostly, since Rush Limbaugh is one of the most negative influences on planet earth, we just hope he fails in general. And we think this I Hope Rush Fails campaign of ours is appropriately funny. Especially since there's not one single thing that Rush Limbaugh can criticise about it. He'll just have to keep his big fat mouth shut for once. And shut tight, too. As will all of his brainwashed Dittoheads. Beautiful, huh?


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Because there's only so much time in a minute.

By $Zero

YouTube link


Because there's only so much time in a minute.


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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Signal of Change

By $Zero

YouTube link

YouTube link

YouTube link


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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

By $Zero



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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Neil Young -- Forking it over again

By $Zero

(must-read video lyrics here)

What can you say about Neil Young?

He's an artist extraordinaire who creates everything from simple soulful melodic masterpieces (gently expressing loving honesty and yearnings beyond the abilities of most mere mortals, especially armed with such meager musical and lyrical tools)...

to plowing massive rock 'n roll landscapes (by plugging those meager tools into beautifully distorted amplifiers)...

to seemingly effortlessly constructing sublime social satire that gets right to the point while making ten other points at the same time (occasionally delightfully contradicting the main point) artfully sounding the alarm about the doings of the ridiculously misguided among us (including our silly selves) -- but especially gratifying is the way Neil exposes those weasels who are so particularly adept at cheating that, without such surgical mockery, they'd likely get away scott-free...

to converting huge steel Lincoln Continentals into electric hybrids (that get over 65 miles per gallon, and climbing).

Green Car Czar Stuff.


He's both fun and serious.

It's a good combo.


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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

By $Zero



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Thursday, January 1, 2009

She just wants a Cheeseburger

By $Zero

Some time after making that video, apparently thrilled while visiting a different restaurant (Harris Grill in Shady Side), she took a photo of their menu:

She's pretty talented and funny. *

Check out her Christmas Song parody:

* And sexy.

One almost suspects that she's a professional pretending to be an amateur.

Whatever the case may be, she definitely represents the future of marketing.


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