Saturday, December 13, 2008

Keeping it Cool

By $Zero

Found in an earlier post over at The Black Snob which naturally leads to another source of embeddable goodies:

SNL really captured the Obama coolness factor.

Well, almost.

The singing was pretty goofy.

Still, this mostly accurate Obama portrayal reminds you to be hopeful for the future of America and American politics.

At least for a couple more months, anyway.

And you have to admit that SNL did a far better job of expressing the coolness and hope of the incoming president than the merchandising folks below:

"Due to the unprecedented demand, there is a strict limit of two victory plates per caller!"


How utterly shameless some of these business people are, huh?


NOTE: In all seriousness, there really are only a very limited amount of the Version 1.0 T-shirts available.

After that, they become instant collector's items and only subsequent versions will be made for sale to the general public.


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Kudos to Bush!

By $Zero

Hey MRB readers, if you didn't know already, you can now watch full episodes of The Daily Show online at your convenience.


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Friday, December 12, 2008

Drove my Chevy to the Levee but the Levy was Dry

By $Zero

The Bail-out Blues

Drove my Chevy
to the Levee
but the Levy
was Dry

and Good Ole Boys
were drinking
whiskey and rye

this will be the day that I fly
this will be the day that I fly

helter skelter in the summer swelter



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MRB myspace

By $Zero


Music, Film, Video, Writing, Art, Comedy (politics), and more!

Evolving as we go.


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The Onion

By $Zero

Satire while you wait.


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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

By $Zero

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Rumor has it that MSNBC talking head news host Chris Matthews has got his eye on the Senate seat in Pennsylvania.

This video was mixed together by the always helpful peeps over at 23/6 Media, and as a resume it certainly suggests that a Senator Matthews may well end up being one of the greatest orators in all of American history.

If elected, one anticipates the ratings of CSPAN to go thru the roof.


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Monday, December 8, 2008

MustBuyGifts (a shopper's review)

By $Zero


While we've been scouring the web for MustReadBloggers, we've also come across quite a few great MustBuyGifts for this holiday season.

Well, one, anyway.

So, after a bit more research, I'll begin to blog about it.

Stay tuned.

It's an utterly amazing pen.


Meanwhile, a question. Have _you_ stumbled upon any exceptional gift ideas in your travels lately?

It seems like there always used to be _lots_ of cool stuff out there, but not so much anymore (except for the one thing I mentioned earlier -- it's a truly fascinating product).

When I was younger, it always seemed like there would be five or ten MustBuyGifts competing for the holiday shopper's attention and wallet. Not so much anymore.

I mean, can you name even one big-deal consumer product these days?

Anyway, if you HAVE spotted a really neat new item this year, be sure to let us know in the comments and perhaps we'll add it to this wonderfully evolving review.

(Or my shopping list!)

So... now maybe you're finally getting the joke regarding the double meaning of the title of this blog entry, huh?

For full effect, repeat it out-loud while doing your best William Shatner imitation. *

"Must... Buy... Gifts..."

* I did so, and it was so absolutely hilarious to moi that I decided to hurry over to our internet hosting company to register the MustBuyGifts domain (all the while imagining Shatner doing the double entendre advertising campaign).

But the domain was already taken.

Oddly enough, it's not being used AT ALL. **


What a waste of a great marketing tool.

** It's not even parked as an ad for itself.

Anyway, I _was_ able to register, FWIW.

Is Kevin Pollak a master impressionist, or what?

And if you think his Kirk was good, you just _gotta'_ hear his Christopher Walken.


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