Found in an earlier post over at The Black Snob which naturally leads to another source of embeddable goodies:
SNL really captured the Obama coolness factor.
Well, almost.
The singing was pretty goofy.
Still, this mostly accurate Obama portrayal reminds you to be hopeful for the future of America and American politics.
At least for a couple more months, anyway.
And you have to admit that SNL did a far better job of expressing the coolness and hope of the incoming president than the merchandising folks below:
"Due to the unprecedented demand, there is a strict limit of two victory plates per caller!"
How utterly shameless some of these business people are, huh?
NOTE: In all seriousness, there really are only a very limited amount of the Version 1.0 T-shirts available.
After that, they become instant collector's items and only subsequent versions will be made for sale to the general public.
(Still In Progress)
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