Friday, December 12, 2008

The Onion

By $Zero

Satire while you wait.


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(Still In Progress)

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$Zero said...

This video started auto-playing out of nowhere a few minutes ago.

It was originally posted on 12/12/08 at 3:46 am, but I'm changing that so that it will appear at the top of the blog posts queue so that visitors can easily find it and pause it when it autoplays upon arrival.

I wasn't able to find the command paramater to disable the autoplay feature but I will keep researching it.

$Zero said...

Hmmm... and now it just stopped auto-playing on its own just after visiting The Onion myspace site to regrab the embed code (but BEFORE I tried to reinstall the code).

This after auto-playing at least ten times in a row.

Will wonders ever cease?