Wednesday, December 3, 2008

David Byrne as Blogger

By $Zero

NOTE: This is a review in progress, so check back later for more.

Latest Update: Jan. 6th, 2009

In addition to critiquing his wonderfully scattered blog, I'll be posting some concert photos from the current tour -- which I took last Friday.

Meanwhile, enjoy the new album (which is available in full below) with its paradoxically annoying yet inspirational title:

Is that a great set of words, or what?

And leave it to Byrne and Eno to make their music available in full (for FREE) in a format you can embed and play on your website or blog. And to do so profitably, besides. One assumes, anyway.[*]

Now I just have to find and hook up a nice set of speakers to my computer.

NOTE: If you're reading this via a feed, the music may not show up. You'll have to click on over to our page to press the play button.

David's blog:

See also:

[*] Well, ok.

Maybe it DOES take just a little bit more effort (beyond creating and releasing a great selection of music and lyrics, for free, on the web) to make a reasonable living.

But the model _is_ improving.

Of course, at $40 to $60 a ticket, and completely selling out pretty decent-sized venues, it's probably a bit more than a modest income that he's raking in.

Artists are definitely among my favorite types of entrepreneurs.

Because what they create is generally highly resource-efficient (therefore mostly pollution-free), enlightening, violence-free, inspirational, energizing, soothing, and beautiful.


This MRB Article is SIP
(Still In Progress)

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