NOTE: This is still a review in progress, so check back later for more.
Latest Updates: Dec. 8th, 2008
Anyway, is not really a blog, per se, but it's close enough.
They post regular, timely, often news-related entries about various politicians and celebrities AND you can leave comments.
It's a spoof of the astoundingly popular wikipedia, but focuses exclusively on the wide-ranging dickiness of modern people (and culture in general).

Aside from the the profoundly amusing theme of dickipedia, and the brilliantly colorful intuitive writing... the thing that I REALLY love about it is clicking on one of the numerous names listed on the dickipedia home page, thus pulling up the person's entry AND photo.
What an eye for dicks they have!
Nearly without exception, they choose the most appropriate photos to convey the pure dickiness of the person cited.
And almost without fail, whether I like the individual or not, when the picture pops up, it elicits an actual audible LOL from moi.
Just a few examples:

I haven't even read the entries yet and I'm already getting the gist, ya know?
Here's just a sampling of the opening paragraphs for each of the people above:
"John Sidney McCain III (born August 29, 1936) is the senior United States Senator from Arizona, the defeated Republican Party nominee in the 2008 presidential election, an angry old man, and a dick."
"Elisabeth Hasselbeck (née Filarski; born May 28, 1977) is a former reality show contestant—not even the winner, mind you, or even the runner-up—who somehow became co-host of one of the most popular daytime talk shows of all time, and a dick."
"Simon Phillip Cowell (born 7 October 1959) is a British record executive, television producer, 'author,' celebrity talent judge, and a dick."
"Alan Stuart 'Al' Franken (Born May 21, 1951) is a comedian turned author turned commentator turned prospective politician. Somewhere in there he also turned into a dick, though it is difficult to pinpoint precisely when, probably sometime during the so-called 'Al Franken Decade.'"
And the articles dig deeper (and get funnier) as you go.
Whenever I see a new dickipedia picture posted in the huffpo sidebar, I always get a really big kick out of it. Because I know just what to expect based on the news of the day.
Yet the writers at usually exceed my expectations.
Even the FAQ is worth the read.
Anyway, how about you?
What do you think about dickipedia?
Or are youtoo much of a dick to leave a comment and share your dicky thoughts?
(Still In Progress)
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Latest Update: Dec. 8th, 2008
Très amusante
I haven't had a chance to check out most of the dickipedia entries, so if you're surfing the site and spot a really good dickish picture, please let us know, k?
Check this dick out.
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