Friday, December 5, 2008

All about (and Chocolate, and Sex)

By $Zero

NOTE: This is still a review in progress, so check back later for more.

Latest Rewrite/Updates: Dec. 8th, 2008 -- 11:00 AM ET Logo/Home page


Where to begin?

Anyway, if this is your first visit to, before venturing off to check it out, tell your secretary to hold all your calls.

And cancel your appointments for the rest of the day.

(or two)

Grab a cup of coffee, a pitcher of beer, a bottle of scotch, or whatever else you prefer to enhance your web-surfing with.

Turn off your cell phone.

Find a nice comfy chair (or cot).

Put your feet up.

Lay back.

Position your keyboard, mouse, and monitor for maximum comfort.

Take a deep breath and...

Let the keyword-fest begin!

And yes, there are many MustReadBloggers on the site.*

You'll find them eventually.



Report back in a couple days and leave some comments about your explorations.


* Depending on your interests (and tastes), there's anywhere between 1 and 750 MustReadBloggers on the site.


NOTE: As you poke around inside the universe, take note of what happens to the "www" subdomain name. They've organized their site to make it very convenient for you to scan the search result lists for relevant main categories, hence better targeting your inquiry (and/or expanding how you think about it).

For instance, let's say you do a search on the keyword "chocolate".

Like any other search engine, you'll get a list of the usual article headlines you'd expect:

Normally, (with Google or Yahoo for instance) you'll see website listing results showing the "www" subdomain links like so:

However, the great thing about is that they've created a highly categorized subdomain grouping of proprietary information (both original and/or compiled), therefore you're able to easily visually scan the main categories for the article results in single-word form, left-aligned (and yet found by searching on "chocolate"):

Neato, huh?

Note that the first group above listing five results all point to the same pages as the second group, respectively.

Who would have thought that a category dedicated to horse racing would have anything to do with Chocolate Pecan Pie?

Kentuckians, I suppose.

By organizing their greatly varied content into numerous subdomains, they've made it possible to make wonderfully creative uses of their prefix category names in their search engine result listings.

So, because you can so quickly scan such a wide-range of single words associated with "chocolate", you're exposing yourself to a far more _richer_ variety of chocolate possibilities!

(pun intended)

And just in case the way I described the advantages of that feature made your eyes gloss over with puzzlement, allow me to try again:

In a search result list for "chocolate", if you only visually scanned the headlines, the title "Chocolate Brownie Recipes" wouldn't reflect the main category "Southern Food" in any way at all.

If you still don't get it, try it yourself. Scan various keyword search result lists and skim the subdomain names first. Then the headlines.

By actually doing it, you'll get a way better idea of how great it is to review the subdomain categories.

"Tell me and I forget,
teach me and I remember,
involve me and I learn."

-- Some Cool American Dude

In case you're still dozed off, here's a keyword to try for which you'll see (a bit more clearly) the value of scanning the subdomain categories list before wasting your time reading and clicking on the much lengthier subject titles:
Speaking of Paris, if you're wondering who I quoted above? He used to make big land deals, dabble in democracy, write books (and whatnot), and fly kites.


This MRB Article is SIP
(Still In Progress)

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Latest Update: Dec. 8th, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

David Byrne as Blogger

By $Zero

NOTE: This is a review in progress, so check back later for more.

Latest Update: Jan. 6th, 2009

In addition to critiquing his wonderfully scattered blog, I'll be posting some concert photos from the current tour -- which I took last Friday.

Meanwhile, enjoy the new album (which is available in full below) with its paradoxically annoying yet inspirational title:

Is that a great set of words, or what?

And leave it to Byrne and Eno to make their music available in full (for FREE) in a format you can embed and play on your website or blog. And to do so profitably, besides. One assumes, anyway.[*]

Now I just have to find and hook up a nice set of speakers to my computer.

NOTE: If you're reading this via a feed, the music may not show up. You'll have to click on over to our page to press the play button.

David's blog:

See also:

[*] Well, ok.

Maybe it DOES take just a little bit more effort (beyond creating and releasing a great selection of music and lyrics, for free, on the web) to make a reasonable living.

But the model _is_ improving.

Of course, at $40 to $60 a ticket, and completely selling out pretty decent-sized venues, it's probably a bit more than a modest income that he's raking in.

Artists are definitely among my favorite types of entrepreneurs.

Because what they create is generally highly resource-efficient (therefore mostly pollution-free), enlightening, violence-free, inspirational, energizing, soothing, and beautiful.


This MRB Article is SIP
(Still In Progress)

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Dick's Review of

By $Zero

NOTE: This is still a review in progress, so check back later for more.

Latest Updates: Dec. 8th, 2008

Anyway, is not really a blog, per se, but it's close enough.

They post regular, timely, often news-related entries about various politicians and celebrities AND you can leave comments.

It's a spoof of the astoundingly popular wikipedia, but focuses exclusively on the wide-ranging dickiness of modern people (and culture in general).


Aside from the the profoundly amusing theme of dickipedia, and the brilliantly colorful intuitive writing... the thing that I REALLY love about it is clicking on one of the numerous names listed on the dickipedia home page, thus pulling up the person's entry AND photo.

What an eye for dicks they have!

Nearly without exception, they choose the most appropriate photos to convey the pure dickiness of the person cited.

And almost without fail, whether I like the individual or not, when the picture pops up, it elicits an actual audible LOL from moi.

Just a few examples:

John McCain


Simon Cowell

Al Franken

I haven't even read the entries yet and I'm already getting the gist, ya know?

Here's just a sampling of the opening paragraphs for each of the people above:

"John Sidney McCain III (born August 29, 1936) is the senior United States Senator from Arizona, the defeated Republican Party nominee in the 2008 presidential election, an angry old man, and a dick."

"Elisabeth Hasselbeck (née Filarski; born May 28, 1977) is a former reality show contestant—not even the winner, mind you, or even the runner-up—who somehow became co-host of one of the most popular daytime talk shows of all time, and a dick."

"Simon Phillip Cowell (born 7 October 1959) is a British record executive, television producer, 'author,' celebrity talent judge, and a dick."

"Alan Stuart 'Al' Franken (Born May 21, 1951) is a comedian turned author turned commentator turned prospective politician. Somewhere in there he also turned into a dick, though it is difficult to pinpoint precisely when, probably sometime during the so-called 'Al Franken Decade.'"

And the articles dig deeper (and get funnier) as you go.

Whenever I see a new dickipedia picture posted in the huffpo sidebar, I always get a really big kick out of it. Because I know just what to expect based on the news of the day.

Yet the writers at usually exceed my expectations.


Even the FAQ is worth the read.


Anyway, how about you?

What do you think about dickipedia?

Or are youtoo much of a dick to leave a comment and share your dicky thoughts?


This MRB Article is SIP
(Still In Progress)

If you find the topic interesting,
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Latest Update: Dec. 8th, 2008

How to Make Things Better with a Tee Shirt

How do you Make Things Better with a Tee Shirt?

Buy it.

Wear it.




How do you Make Things Better with a Tee Shirt?

Put it on.

Go for a nice walk.




How do you Make Things Better with a Tee Shirt?

Use your Power of Suggestion.




How do you Make Things Better with a Tee Shirt?

Support and Participate in the Improvement Movement.

Make Things Better (instead of worse).




This has been a
Public Service Announcement

Creating a new publishing paradigm
with each new and improved blog.



... Tee Shirt




Monday, December 1, 2008

If Orson Welles Were Blogging Today...

By $Zero

What do you think he would have to say?

Again, I say...

If Orson Welles were blogging today...

What do you think he would have to say?

More wine, please?


Rosebud Blogging...

If he were writing on the net, would Orson Welles automatically qualify as a MustReadBlogger?

You have one vote, so what do you say?

How about Charles Foster Kane?

Or for that matter, what about William Randolph Hearst?

Would he be cranking out the blogs?

Day in. Day out.

"I think it would be fun to run a newspaper!"



S P O I L E R - A L E R T !

In the end, the sled gets thrown into the furnace with all the other endless crates of endless blogging.


Anyway, whoever put that video up on the YouTube spelled Citizen Kane wrong.

And their outrageous claim is wrong, too.

Because the most famous single word in cinematic history is definitely NOT Rosebud.

Not even close.


Do you see how we're leaving you hanging here?

That's called dramatic effect.


Not really.

It's more like screwing with your head.

Meanwhile, unless you're a speed reader, you're probably searching your teased brain for some sort of satisfying answer to this challenging proposition about what the most famous single word in movie history could possibly be.

When, frankly, my dear, nobody really gives a damn.

And why should they?

Never mind that it's totally pointless to consider such a notion in the first place, that fact is that superlative statements like "[whatever] is the most famous single word in movie history!" are the epitome of stupidity.







Maybe it _is_ Rosebud.


The point is, maybe it's not.


S P O I L E R - A L E R T !


In the end, the sled gets thrown into the furnace
with all the other endless crates of endless blogging.



Anyway, we hope that you'll subscribe to (and follow) this Must Read Blog of ours while the rosebuds are still in bloom.

Because we intend to bring you the best bloggers on the web.

Read our ever-evolving welcome message in the November archive for more details.

But first, leave your thoughts in the comments below.

If Orson Welles were blogging today...

What do you think he would have to say?

For that matter, what do YOU have to say?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Evolution of a Must Read Blog

By $Zero

Note also the evolution in the price of the magazines.


The Logo -- Version 1.1

Creating a logo is difficult but fun.

The fun part is difficult.


Version 2.0 coming soon to a Must Read Blog near you.

And speaking of evolving logos:

This MRB Article is SIP
(Still In Progress)

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Latest Update: Dec. 14th, 2008 2:15 PM ET