If you answered yes to any of the above, then you just gotta see the utterly mind-boggling photography that Ryan McGinnis is posting in his beautiful photographic journal entitled:
These are shots that he's taken over the years as a weather-loving enthusiast.
"We'd driven through rain and hail for a good half hour to finally get ahead of it, but the sunlight was failing and we only had a sliver of time left to take pictures and shoot video."
Some of the images are so astounding that they almost look fake.
"But let me talk about the guy throwing the shoe...
It's one way to gain attention.
Uhhh, it's like going to a political rally and having people yell at you.
I don't know what the guy's cause is...
But one thing is for certain, he caused you to ask me a question about it."
Yes, as he puts his tiny-brained foot in his big-egoed mouth yet again, and again, it is clear that Bush certainly is a shoe-in for the Worst American President Ever. Characterizing people who throw shoes at other people as some sort of democratic free-speech thinger, just to appear to be a tough guy. Yikes. What a wimp.
The Official Lame Duck Ducking Fun Pun Posting Place!
(trying saying THAT three times fast)
So, anyway, put your very best foot forward; kick the tires on the worst used-car in the history of American Motors; and contribute your most "clever" Lame Duck Ducking Fun Puns in the comments below.
Or don't.
But seriously, one can't imagine that reporters will be required to go barefoot at Obama's press conferences, ya know?