Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pretension is Easy. Worthwhile is Hard.

By Staff

Pretension is Easy. Worthwhile is Hard.

More on this subject later.

Much later.

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POLL -- Your Favorite Bloggers (and why)

By $Zero

Who are some of your favorite bloggers and what is it about their blogs that keep you coming back for more?

There are literally (no pun intended) zillions of bloggers out there in blogland.

In fact, the last credible count I saw put it at 2.5 gazillion.

Yet, personally, I currently read about ten blogs, and I only subscribe to a few of those in my RSS feeder.

So why is it that I've chosen those few blogs?

Familiarity, for one (with quality ranking up there VERY high as well).

But mostly, for moi at least, it's a lack of time issue way more than a lack of interest in reading other quality bloggers. Over the years I've come across quite a few great blogs but I just never got around to subscribing to any of them. And if I had, by now my blog reader service would probably be completely overloaded -- scrolling new blog entries off the page every three to five seconds.

So was created to REALLY overload things.

Won't that be fun?

But seriously, I think we will be providing a great and useful service in weeding out the chaff from the other chaff.


Anyway, I envision that at some point during their very busy days, people from all over the world will be thinking to themselves:

"I REALLY need to see what's going on today at"

And they'll click on over. Every 20 minutes or so.

We will become a parody of ourselves before we even begin.

Which is nice.


So, who are YOUR favorite bloggers?

And what is it about them that keeps you going back for more?

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(Still In Progress)

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Welcome to

By $Zero

The best bloggers of the blogosphere are out there!


And we intend to find them!

And recruit them.

Or interview them.

Or be them.

Or, at the very least, as a last resort, if they refuse to play ball, review them.

Make fun of them.

Even the crappy ones.

So as to challenge them to either improve their blogging or just give it up.

See how entertaining we are already?

Check back often.

It'll get even better.


Bye, now.

This MRB Article is SIP
(Still In Progress)

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